Chesapeake & Ohio LEGACY T1 3020 Weathered Looking for modern power to haul coal across Ohio to lake ports, the C&O turned to Lima for a larger and heavier locomotive based on the successful Berkshire designs already in service. The new locomotives performed well enough to impress the C&O and other roads. Available in new road numbers with LEGACY and Bluetooth, these impressive locomotives also feature the cylinder cock steam effect! ElectroCouplers LEGACY Control System RailSounds TrainMaster Command Control Wireless Tether Odyssey System II SKU: 1931690 Dimensions: Length: 29" Gauge: O Gauge year: 2019 rail line: Chesapeake & Ohio Minimum Radius: O72 Scale: Scale Power: Electric Road Number: 3020 Engine: Steam Manuals Find the latest manuals in our support section. Replacement Parts Buy any replacement parts in our support section. Contact Contact a service station to fix your product