Kansas City Southern LEGACY 2-10-4 #905 What if other roads had followed the Pennsy's lead and ordered some new Super-Power 2-10-4s during the war? The CB&Q, Rio Grande and Southern schemes pictured here bring that scenario to life. The KCS actually did order some similar locomotives and while different in details from the prototypes, No. 905 certainly captures the spirit of these machines, especially with that great patriotic tender! Bessemer's big 2-10-4s came early, and most found a second career on the Messabe Range, lasting until 1961. These models, though different in details, represent the look of those heavy-haulers well. ElectroCouplers LEGACY Control System RailSounds TrainMaster Command Control Wireless Tether Odyssey System II SKU: 1931740 Dimensions: Length: 29" Gauge: O Gauge year: 2019 rail line: Kansas City Southern Minimum Radius: O72 Scale: Scale Power: Electric Road Number: 905 Engine: Steam Manuals Find the latest manuals in our support section. Replacement Parts Buy any replacement parts in our support section. Contact Contact a service station to fix your product