New York Central LEGACY J3a #5405 The best of the best! The J3a represented the ultimate development of the Hudson type - a locomotive synonymous with the New York Central. Introduced in 1937, the J3 held prime passenger assignments until the arrivals of the Niagara's nearly a decade later. Over two decades of service, the appearance of the class changed as well. This new release, the first in over 15 years by Lionel, includes several of those changes, matched to photos of each locomotive in a particular era. ElectroCouplers LEGACY Control System RailSounds TrainMaster Command Control Wireless Tether Odyssey System II SKU: 1931450 Dimensions: Length: 25" Gauge: O Gauge year: 2019 rail line: New York Central Minimum Radius: O54 Scale: Scale Power: Electric Road Number: 5405 Engine: Steam Manuals Find the latest manuals in our support section. Replacement Parts Buy any replacement parts in our support section. Contact Contact a service station to fix your product