Western Pacific LEGACY 2-8-0 #26 Based on a design used by the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Railroads, similar Consolidations were found on other lines all around the United States. In fact, there were more 2-8-0s on the rails than any other type of steam locomotive! Primarily used in freight service, some saw passenger duty as well. Several remain preserved today, valued for their relative simplicity and reliability. Lionel's latest release includes new road names from all corners of the country. Big enough to get the job done but still small enough to operate on any layout, these locomotives include all the great LEGACY steam features you love in larger power including Whistle Steam! ElectroCouplers LEGACY Control System Lighting RailSounds Smoke Unit Sounds TrainMaster Command Control Wireless Tether Odyssey System II SKU: 2231130 Dimensions: 19.5" Gauge: O Gauge year: 2022 rail line: Western Pacific Minimum Radius: O31 Power: Electric Road Number: 26 Engine: Steam Manuals Find the latest manuals in our support section. Replacement Parts Buy any replacement parts in our support section. Contact Contact a service station to fix your product